The Shard of Spring Courbevoie, Nov.1986 DOC 'THE SHARD OF SPRING' _________________________ Tap{e Par CAMSY For two centuries, as the rest of the land lay baking in the desert sun or freezing in the winter wind, the small island of Ymros enjoyed an eternal spring. The enchanted Shard of Spring, a piece of the LifeStone, had exerted its magical powers. Created by the Red Sorcerer, the Shard brought springtime for as long as it remained on the island. The Shard was kept in a small crystal shrine in the forest. Three years ago, a cold wind blew across the land; in the deepest darkness, a fearsome creature visited the island. In the morning, a hunter passing the Green Shrine found the crystal shattered an the Shard gone. The next day, a tall man in beggars'rags gained entrance to the palace; no one knows how. He brought this grim message to the King : "Siriadne, my master, has token possession of the Shard of Spring. She demands that the people of your land pay tribute to her at the Tower of Ralith. If you refuse, the Shard will be destroyed and Ymros will become an icy wasteland." From that time until now, the people of Ymros have paid the tribute to Siriadne, offering gold, food, and sacrifices. They lack wealth and grow hungry; despair paint the beautiful landscape with a blackness that can come only from the heart. Arise, adventurers; save the land of Ymros from utter desolation. Anyone who can rescue the Shard of Spring from its evil captor will be a hero for all time to come. I. INTRODUCTION A. LOADING THE GAME Apple II+, //e, //c : Boot the SHARD OF SPRING starter disk (front side). The title page of the starter disk includes two instructions : "Insert game disk and hit a key or hit 'A' to alternate character set (Gothic - Normal)". Press 'A' to change the text style from Gothic to Normal or vice versa. Insert the game disk (back side) and press any key. Then, if you have not made your own game disk, insert the original game disk (back side), and press M to make your own game disk. Follow the instructions on the screen. Remember to press each time you insert a disk. The computer will format a blank disk and then read and write until you have a completed game disk. As the game proceeds, you may make a backup of your game disk by using the (M)ake game disk command; insert your own game disk to be duplicated instead the original game disk. B. SAVING THE GAME The command "S" saves the game to the game disk. You may use this command exept when in camp,town or combat. II. THE GAME BEGINS A. COMMUNICATING WITH THE COMPUTER Each menu indicates the command to be used. Press the letter indicated; most often it is the first letter of the word. A one-key stoke is usually sufficient. Howewer, sometimes it is necessary to follow the key stoke with . The key may be used to exit a course of action in most situations. Remember that this option may be available to you even if it is not noted on the screen or in the instructions that follow. Carefully note the method of movement in the SHARD OF SPRING. On the screen, the character is seen facing away from you (north), towards you (south), to the left (west), or to the rignt (east). The fighter holds his sword in his right hand, and the collar of his coat can be seen from the front. While walking outside or walking inside of a dungeon, use the following commands : <- (left-arrow key) : Turn counter-clockwise; e.g. if you are facing away (up) and want to face the left, press this left-arrow key. -> (right-arrow key): Turn clockwise. / : Turn around. : Move forward. B. MAIN MENU The Shard of Spring can store up to five parties of adventurers at one time. After a party is created and numbered, no additional character may join that party. To play with other characters, a new party must be created. When you insert the game disk and press any key, the main menu appears on the title page. Choose : L)oad party and go adventuring C)haracter Utilities R)estore dungeons M)ake game disk L)oad party and go adventuring : You are asked to type the number (1-5) of the party you choose to send out on adventures. There is a pre-created party nr5 available if you wish to bypass character creation and go directly to the game. C)haracter Utilities : This command is used to create to party of adventurers. See the next section for a detailed explanation. R)estore dungeons : Many special encounters are found only one during the course of the game. To reset these encounters when starting a new game, this command must be used. Instructions are given when this command is chosen. M)ake game disk : Follow the instructions on the screen to make a new game disk. You may also make a backup disk containing your characters just in case you damage you original game disk. Insert your game disk instead of the master game disk to be duplicated. III. CHARACTERS A. CHARACTERS UTILITIES The character utilities are used to create individual characters and to form parties consisting of 1-5 of these characters. Only a party, not an individual character, may be sent out on adventures in the land of Ymros. You may list the characters already created, create a new character, or remove a character. You may disband a party, form a party or receive information about a party. For those of you who wish to go directly to the game, a ready-to-go party nr5 has been pre-created. Simply press 'L' and then '5' in the main menu. The menu is divided into the "character" and "party" options. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character Utilities * CHARACTER * Create Remove List * PARTIES * Disband Join Information Choice : ESC to exit --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHARACTERS C)reate : Create a character. This is described in detail in the next section. R)emove : Delete a character from the disk. L)ist : Obtain a list of the characters stored on the disk (maximum of 25). PARTIES D)isband : Destroy an existing party. When a party is disbanded, each of its members loses all of his acquired goods, food, blessings, and place in time, but not his own possessions. This command does not delete the characters from the disk; you may use them in a new party. J)oin : Form a party of from one to five of the created characters. A maximum of five parties may be created. Each character must have been created prior to joining a party. No character may be in more than one party at a time. You are asked for the number of the party and the names of the characters to be included in it. Press when you have entered as many as you want included in the party. I)nfo : Display a list of the characters currently in a party. You are asked for the number of the party you wish to examine. : Exit the Character Utilities and return to the main menu. B. CREATING A CHARACTER Each character has individual TRAITS and SKILLS as well as the attributes of his RACE and CLASS. These are given in statistical ratings. RACES There are five races : Human, Dwarf, Troll, Elf and Gnome. Each race has both advantages and disadvantages as indicated in the chart below. CLASSES Warriors : Warriors are fighters. Each dwarf and troll is a warrior and may use any weapon for which it has tha skill as well as any type of armor. Warriors usually have more hit points than wizards. Skills refer to use of weapons, to hunting, and to go to other abilities helpful to wanderers. Wizards : Wizards are spell casters. Each elf and gnome is a wizard and has Spell Points with which to cast spells. Awizard may use no better weapon than a dagger and no better armor than cloth. The skills of wizards are based on Spell Runes and various Lore. TRAITS A character is defined by the following set of traits : speed, strength, intellect, endurance, skill in attack, level of toughness, hit points, spell points, and experience. Each is given a statistical value. Speed : Determines how fast the character moves and how often it can move and attack in one round of combat. Strength : Determines the amount of damage the character can do. Intellect : Determines the number and complexity of skills that may bo chosen for the character and the number of Spell Points had by a wizard. Endurance : Determines how much damage the character can sustain and how many hit points will be gained when a level is made. Skill : Determines how well the character can attack with weapons and when unarmed. Each of the statistics indicating a characteristic has an initial value of 12, with 7 understood to be about average. Each value cannot go above 20 without magical aid, and it can never go below 3. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RACE CLASS BONUS SKILL RACIAL MODIFIERS Human Choice None +2 Spd, +2 Int, +2 Sk Dwarf Warrior Berserking +1 Str, -3 Int, +3 End Axe Troll Warrior Armored Skin -3 Spd, +5 Str, -5 Int, +5 End Elf Wizard Item Lore +5 Spd, -3 Str, +3 Int, -3 End, -2 Sk Weapon Lore Gnome Wizard Spirit Runes +2 Spd, -2 Str, +5 Int, -2 Sk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the statistical values are being rolled, you are given three "turns" in which you may choose to reroll none, some, or all of the current values. You should reroll any with values under 6. Enter the numbers of the traits you choose to reroll (1-5) and press . The third rerolling is final, and then the racial modifiers shown in the chart are applied. In addition to the above ratings, each character has the following traits : Level : Determines the toughness of the character. Each character begins at level 1. Experience may result in a character moving up a level, gaining Hit Points, Spell Points, and skills, and having his statistics change. Hit Points : Determines the amount of damage a character may sustain before death. Each hit reduce Hit Points, but may be healed by magic or sleeping. When Hit Points are down to 0, you are dead. The Hit Point value cannot exceed a maximum, which initially is equal to endurance. Spell Points : Determines the magical power. A number of Spell Points are used each time a spell is cast. Spell Points may be regained by sleeping. Experience : Determines when a level is gained. Experience is aquired by killing monsters. SKILLS The Shard Of Spring allows you to fully define your character though the use of skills. Each skill costs a number of points. You may assign only skills whose total point cost does not exceed your intellect. The computer display a numbered list of skills. Press the number of the skill you want. (To remove it, press the number again.) Be sure to press the space bar to look at both pages of skills. Skills with a "+" before them are given automatically with the race chosen. Skills with an "*" before them are those you have selected. Only a wise warrior may be proficient with all kinds of weapons. You may save intellect points for later use. Then, as you gain Intellect, choose additional skills. Each of the two classes (Warriors and Wizards) has its own set of skills. The number in parentheses indicates the cost of the skill. WARRIOR SKILLS Sword (2) : All sorts of swords may be used. Daggers may be used by anyone, but a sword cannot be used without this skill. Axe (2) : Axes may be used. Mace (1) : Maces and morning stars may be used. Karate (2) : Using only his handsmay inflict great damage; this become quite significant as the character gains in skill. Dark Vision (2) : This allows the party to see a greater distance than their light source normally would allow while travelling through dungeons. The party sees with a torch and even in total darkness. Tactics (2) : The character can indentify which member of the party each monster is going after. Armored Skin (4): This provides a very thick layer of skin that adds an automatic 2 points to the character's armor (bare skin is a good as leather armor). Berserking (3) : This greatly increases the chance of making a critical hit in combat. Hunting (2) : This allows a character, while travelling outside, to leave camp to hunt for food. This can allow long excursions into the land without dependence on the nearest town for food. Persuasiveness (2) : This lowers the cost of items bought by the party, but does not affect healing costs. WIZARDS SKILLS Fire Runes (5) : The art of summoning and manipulating fire. With this skill, a character may use any of the following spells : Column of Fire, Flame Strike, Fire Storm, Melt, Flame Shield, and Magic Torch. The Rune of Fire is the most powerful for damage and offensive purposes, but is weak for defense. Metal Runes (5) : The art of creating and using metal. You may use the following spells : Swords, Chains, Death Blade, Break Bonds, Strength, and Armor. This provides power both in offense and defense. The Chains spell is rivaled only by the Freeze spell in binding lore. Wind Runes (?) : ??????????of manipulating the wind. The character may use the following spells : Tempest, Still Air, Wings of Victory, Wings, Freedom, Wind Walk, and Breath of Life. These are multi-purpose spells. This covers healing, mass damage, and the only teleport spell. Ice Runes (5) : The art of summoning ice. A character may use the following spells : Hail Storm, Chill, Slow, Freeze, Ice Shield, and Crystalight. The Freeze spell is the most powerful binding spell, while the Hail Storm is a powerful mass damage spell. Spirit Runes (4): The art of controlling the spirit. The character may use the following spells : Spirit Wrack, Weaken, Clumsiness, Heal, Resurrect, Cure Poison, Transference, and Sanctuary. This deals with what we would call healing and morale. The Wind Runes also contain a bit of this knowledge. ??????????(?) : This provides knowledge of various weapons and armaments. The character may identify items of this sort that you find on your adventures. Potion Lore (2) : This provides knowledge of miscellaneous magical items and items found in dungeons. Monster Lore (2): This provides knowledge of the strenghts and weaknesses of the monsters found in Ymros. The character may determine each monster's strenght, intellect, skill, armor, and weapon in combat. Priesthood (3) : The divine art of dispelling various forms of undeadsuch as skeletons, zombies, and wraiths. NAMES After selecting the traits, you are asked to name the character. The name must be in capital letters, begin with a letter, and contain no more than ten letters. IV. THE GAME ELEMENT A. SPELLS Spells depend on the five elements of nature : fire, metal, wind, ice, and spirit. Each of these is associated with a body of magical knowledge. Spells may be cast on a creature or character regardless of its position on the batterfield. When you cast your wizard's spell, you are asked for the number of Spell Points you wish to put into the spell. The power of all spells cast by a wizard varies. Many spells have a minimum Spell Point requirement, but each of these, too, has a greater chance of success if more power is put into it. MASS DAMAGE SPELLS, e.g. Hail, Storm, and Tempest, affect a 5 X 5 area. When you move the pointer in combat, place it on the center of the storm. Any monster or character in the area affected will take damage. Because of the lengthly incantation of these spells, they may not be cast in the first round of battle. Damage spells work randomly. BINDING SPELLS, e.g. Chains, Freeze, and Still Air, keep a monster or character from taking any action until the magic binding is broken. This occurs in a Healer's Shoppe or when the appropriate spell is cast. The more power used in the binding, the harder it is to break. The measure of this power is called the binding level. Binding spells does not work randomly; they are based on multiples of the minimum cost requirements. For example, consider Chains. The minimum cost requirement for Chains is 10. If the wizard puts 10 to 19 points into the spell, the victim will have a level 1 Chains effect on him (Chain I). If instead the wizard puts in 40, the victim has a Chain IV. In breaking the binding with Break Bonds, Melt, or Freedom, an equal amount of power must be used. Therefore, in this case, a Chain IV spell requires a Break Bond IV to be effective. If a character has been bound, the level of binding is given when you Inspect in Camp. The chance of attaining a successful binding depends on the strength of the victim and the level of the binding spell. It is futile to cast a binding spell on a strong creature without using a substantial amount of power. Spells that increase strength or speed only last for the duration of combat. Healing and binding spells are permanent. THE SPELLS The number in parentheses after each spell name in the following list indicates a minimum Spell Point cost. FIRE RUNES Column of Fire (1) : The most powerful of the single damage spells. Flame Strike (16) : The most powerful death spell, but has a greater minimum requirement than Death Blade. Fire Storm (10) : A potent damage spell. Melt (11) : Breaks the binding power of a Freeze spell. Flame Shield (4) : A relatively weak protection spell that protects from physical attacks. Magic Torch (2) : Provides light while adventuring in the dungeon. The amount of light is determined by the power the wizards puts into it. METAL RUNES Sword (2) : A powerful damage spell. Chains (10) : A binding spell. The easiest of these to break. Death Blade (15) : Death spell. Strength (1) : Increase the strength of the recipient. Break Bonds (11) : Frees a character bound in Chains. Armor (2) : A very powerful protection spell. WIND RUNES Tempest (6) : An easy-to-cast mass damage spell. Still Air (11) : A binding spell. Wings of Victory(1): Increases the morale of the recipient, thus raising his skill in combat. Wings (4) : Increases speed. Does not take effect until the next round of combat. Freedom (13) : Negates the effects of a Still Air spell. Wind Walk (10) : Teleports the party to a place of safety. This is the only spell with a constant Spell Point cost. Breath of Life (5) : A healing spell not as powerful as the one found in the Spirit Runes. ICE RUNES Hail Storm (7) : A mass damage spell. Chill (1) : Chills the enemy, decreasing its chance to hit. Slow (3) : Slows the enemy down. Freeze (9) : The most powerful binding spell. Ice Shield (3) : A protection spell. Cristalight (2) : A light spell more efficient than its counterpart, Magic Torch. SPIRIT RUNES Spirit Wrack (20) : Potent death spell. Weaken (1) : Decreases strength. Clumsiness (2) : Decreases skill. Heal (1) : Common healing spell. Resurrect (25) : Brings a dead character back to life. Cannot be used in combat. Chance of success depends on power put into it. Cure Poison (9) : Chance of success depends on the power put into it; but this spell usually works, even with only nine Spell Points. Transference (3) : Transfers Spell Points from one wizard to another. Sanctuary (3) : An aura of peace works as a protective spell. B. MAGICAL ITEMS Many magical items, in such forms as rings, staves, and potions, can be found on Ymros.These use magical power when used and eventually break. Potions may be used only once. Magical items provide all the magical power necessary for the spells. Magical items may be used by warriors as well as wizards. C. OTHER ITEMS There are many items to be fount in the Shard of Spring. This rulebook does not provide a list of all of them. Cost of the item may vary from town to town and from shop to shop within the same town. The brief lists below are suggestive, not comprehensive. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEAPONS ! ARMOR ITEM MAXIMUM COST ! ITEM PROTECTION COST DAMAGE ! Dagger 3 2 ! Cloth 1 5 Small axe 4 6 ! Leather 2 10 Short sword 6 15 ! Chain 3 20 Mace 6 13 ! Scale 4 75 Morning Star 7 20 ! Plate 5 200 Broad sword 8 30 !----------------------------------- Battle axe 10 65 ! MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS 2-handed sword 12 100 ! ITEM COST ! Torch 2 ! Oil lantern 10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- V. OUTSIDE Time is an important element. While walking outside, your field of vision expands or narrows as the suns rises and sets. At night, you are forced to sleep if you have not already done so. The calendar consists of 26-hour days, 34-day months, and 22-month years. The year begins with the Month of Spirit and ends with the Month of Comet. While outside, yous character may be facing away from you (north), towards you (south), to the left (west), or to the right (east). The fighter's sword is in his right hand. From the front, the collar of his coat can be seen. The following commands are to be used : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <- (left-arrow key) : Turn counter-clockwise; e.g., if you are facing away (north or up) and choose to face left, press this left-arrow key. -> (right-arrow key): Turn clockwise. / : Turn around. : Move forward. Movement through hills is at double movement rate. To pass through some doors, you need keys which can be found in the dungeons. C : Go to camp. When in camp, you can equip characters, see their statistics, etc (See IX CAMP for details.) P : Display the party order and the time. S : Save the game. You may save the game except when in camp, town or combat. After saving game, you may continue to play. It is wise to save the game often. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VI. COMBAT While wandering outside or in dungeons, you may be attacked by randoms bands of monsters. If attacked, you are placed on a battlefield that is a blowup of the area you where when you were attacked. The field is bordered by exit dots. Touching one of these dots allows you to run and turns it into an exit font (four opposing arrows). You, also, may run through a door. From then on, all remaining characters must run through the same exit font. This is to keep the party from the splitting up. In the Shard of Spring, armor realistically absorbs damage done to its wearer instead of decreasing his chance of being hit. For example, if a fighter wearing plate mail is hit for 7 damage, he only takes 2. Therefore, it is possible to hit someone and yet do no damage, the armor itself having absorbed all of the damage. In combat, monsters and characters move in the orderof their speed ratings, from the highest first to the lower last. Each action in combat takes a certain number of Movement Points. A character has Movement Points equal to his speed. The actions and their movement point costs are shown in the following chart. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KEY COST ACTION 2 Move forward in whatever direction the character is facing. An arrow at the upper-right of the display window also indicates the direction. <- 1 Turn counter-clockwise. -> 1 Turn clockwise. / 1 Turn around. A 3 Attack objet in front of your character with readied weapon. A +3 to hit is awarded when attacking from behind. An attacker has a slight chance of doing damage, indicated by the word "hacks" instead of "hits". If this happens, it means struck an unusually well-aimed shot and are being awarded double damage. (Berserkers are good at this). C 3* Cast a spell. (See V. A.SPELLS for the descriptions). You asked for the number of spell points to be put into the spell. Then, a cursor appears. Move the cursor (I,J,K,M) to where you wish to cast the spell and press the . U 3* Use an item. (See V. B.MAGICAL ITEMS and C.OTHER ITEMS for information.) This command allows you to use an item or drink a potion. Note : A potion may be drunk by the character holding it "tossing" it to another character, who drinks it. D 3* This allows a priest to attempt to dispel undead. ? N/A This allows you to locate everyone on the board and check the statistics. Pressing "?" inverse the character whose turn it is and prints his name, strength, intellect, skill, speed, armor and weapon, and tells whether he is bound or poisoned. Press "<-" and "->" to move through the list of characters and monsters, and press to exit. You are told the monster's statistics only if the examining character has Monster Lore. If he has Tactics, he is told who each monster is likely to go after. S N/A Toggles the sound on/off. * Ends the turn of the individual character. * : Automatically ends turn after action regardless of how many movement Points remain. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VII. TOWN While in town, you may perform various activities in the buildings : shoppes, healers, taverns, inns, guilds. If your party includes a character with Persuasiveness, the cost to you is decreased slightly. A description of the buildings, activities, procedures, and costs follows : Shoppes : Shoppes sell weapons, armor, magic, or torches. Enter the letter of the item you wish to buy and then the number of the character to whom it is to be given. The word "more" appears if there is more in the shop than can be listed on the screen at one time. Use the "<-" and "->" keys to page through long lists. Various shops may carry a given item. Shop around within a town and in other towns for the best bargain. Healers : Here you may heal damage, poison, unbind, and resurrect characters. Healing costs are determined per point. Poison has a straight fee. Unbinding depends on the level of binding.Resurrection depends on the level of the character. These costs are not affected by Persuasiveness. Taverns : Here you may buy provisions and talk to other adventurers. Each tavern has clues essential to the game. Inns : You may sleep here. To sleep at the Inns costs money, in contrast to setting up camps somewhere in the plains. However, you gains 2 hit points and 10 spell points per day of sleep and may sleep many days in a row, which is helpful after completing a hazardous quest. The price includes meals. Guilds : There are a few wizard's and fighter's guilds scattered about. A character with the required amount of experience may be trained for his next level, but only in a guild of the appropriate class. There is no cost for the training. To exit the town and return to the outside, press . VIII. CAMP While moving through the outside, you may be set up camp whenever you choose by pressing "C". There you may print a hard copy of yours characters, sleep, inspect a character, cast a healing speel, reorder your party, trade items, drop items, equip a character, hunt, identify items, or use items. Use the following commands : P)rint characters : Make a hard copy of one or all of your characters. The date and the current time in Ymros are given on the printout. S)leep : Sleep is required each day. As you sleep, each character eats one point of provisions, gain 1 hit point, and 5 spell points. Since you cannot sleep in bright daylight, you wake at dawn. Warning! A poisoned character loses 1 point per hour; sleeping 8 hours could be fatal. A character who does not eat because of lack of food loses 1 hit point. I)nspect : Inspect a character. There are three pages of information -the character's 1) statistics and hit points, 2) skills, aand 3) inventory (an arrow points to each equipped item). To return to the camp menu after any page, press . To bypass the skills list, press any key. To get a printout, press "P". C)ast a spell : A wizard may cast a camp spell, such as Heal, Wind Walk, or Magic Torch. R)eorder : Change the order in which the members of your party are walking. Your characters are seen on a 3 X 3 grid. T)rade : Trade items from one character to another. Equipped weapons and armor must be unequipped before being traded. Each character may hold to 10 items. D)rop : Get rid of an unwanted item. Once dropped, an item cannot be recovered. E)quip : Ready a character with armor and weapon. Daggers may be used by anyone. A character may be readied with any other weapon only if he has the required skill. To equip with nothing, enter "0". Be sure to equip after purchasing new weapons and armor. H)unt : A character with the Hunting skill may attempt to hunt once per day. If the hunt is successful, you are told and you gain some provisions. I)dentify : A wizard with the proper skill may identify items once per day. The wizard must have the item; trade it to him first. Differents items may require different areas of knowledge. U)se item : Use any item, such as a torch, lantern, magical item, or potion. : Exit camp. If you are too tired, you may not leave camp. The computer notifies you. Use the sleep option to overcome the tiredness. IX. HINTS ON GAME PLAY * A party of 4 or 5 characters is probably the optimum. Two wizards and two fighters are a minimum. * You begin play on the west half of Ymros.Since the encounters on the east half are much tougher, wait until you gain a level or so before moving too faar to the easr. * When casting spells, try to play on a monster's weaknesses. Casting a Weakness spell on an ogre only may put him in the realm of human strengh, but casting a Chill spell on the already clumsy monster is very effective. Don't restrict your spell casting to storm spells and Column of Fire. Wise use of the other spells can be much more effective. * Start looking for a guild after completing your first dungeon. Fighter's guilds are fairly common, but don't plan to find a wizard's guild too soon. * Save your gold to help pay for future resurrections. Make sure that you always have gold remaining after buying new items. * Keep a good record of the clues you find on your adventures. Forgetting a clue could cause trouble later. * Don't be afraid to let your wizard fight. They are especially effective against other wizards. Like your wizards, the enemy wizards have daggers only. Fighting should not be too risky, and it can be helpful when your fighters are busy with the tougher monsters. * If you have an Apple //e, keep your CAPS LOCK on. Many game functions do not recognize lower case characters as commands. * Save the game often. That way, if anything goes wrong, you can continue from a recent point. * Keep away from places where the monsters are too tough for you. If your party members are failing right and left, leave immediately. Either search for an adventure that isn't as demanding or just wander the island a bit longer. APPENDIX -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXPERIENCE LEVELS ! MINIMUM SPELL POINTS Experience needed for next level ! Fire Runes Metal Runes Increase ! Level Absolute from last level ! Column of fire 1 Sword 2 1 300 200 ! Flame Strike 16 Chains 10 2 700 400 ! Fire Storm 10 Death Blade 15 3 1100 400 ! Melt 11 Strength 1 4 1800 700 ! Flame Shield 4 Break Bonds 11 5 2800 1000 ! Magic Torch 3 Armor 2 6 4600 1800 !-------------------------------------- 7 7500 2900 ! Wind Runes Ice Runes 8 12600 5100 ! 9 21600 9000 ! Tempest 6 Hail Storm 7 10 37700 16100 ! Still Air 11 Chill 1 11 66400 28700 ! Wings of victory 1 Slow 3 12 118000 51600 ! Wings 4 Freeze 9 13 210800 92800 ! Freedom 13 Ice Shield 3 14 377600 166800 ! Wind walk 10 Crystalight 2 15 677600 300000 ! Breath of life 5 16 1217500 539900 !-------------------------------------- 17 2189300 971800 ! Spirit Runes 18 3938200 1748900 ! Spirit Wrack 20 Resurrect 25 19 7086100 3147900 ! Weaken 1 Cure Poison 9 20 12752200 5666100 ! Clumsiness 2 Transference 3 ! Heal 1 Sanctuary 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATISTICS TABLES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EFFECT OF SPEED ! BONUS DAMAGE BY STRENGTH Speed max. Moves max. Max. no of attacks ! 3 1 1 ! 3 -2 4 2 1 ! 4 -2 5 2 1 ! 5 -1 6 3 2 ! 6 -1 7 3 2 ! 7 0 8 4 2 ! 8 0 9 4 3 ! 9 +1 10 5 3 ! 10 +1 11 5 3 ! 11 +2 12 6 4 ! 12 +2 13 6 4 ! 13 +3 14 7 5 ! 14 +3 15 7 5 ! 15 +4 16 8 5 ! 16 +4 17 8 5 ! 17 +5 18 9 6 ! 18 +5 19 9 6 ! 19 +6 20 10 6 ! 20 +6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % CHANCE OF PRIEST DISPELLING ! MAX. S.P. GAIN PER LEVEL MONSTER LEVEL ! FOR WIZARDS INT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ! 1 3 - - - - - - - - - ! Intellect Max. S.P. Gain 2 7 3 - - - - - - - - ! 3 10 7 3 - - - - - - - ! 3 3 4 14 10 7 3 - - - - - - ! 4 4 5 18 14 10 7 3 - - - - - ! 5 4 6 21 18 14 10 7 3 - - - - ! 6 5 7 25 21 18 14 10 7 3 - - - ! 7 5 8 28 25 21 18 14 10 7 3 - - ! 8 6 9 32 28 25 21 18 14 10 7 3 - ! 9 6 10 36 32 28 25 21 18 14 10 7 3 ! 10 7 11 39 36 32 28 25 21 18 14 10 7 ! 11 8 12 43 39 36 32 28 25 21 18 14 10 ! 12 8 13 46 43 39 36 32 28 25 21 18 14 ! 13 9 14 50 46 43 39 36 32 28 25 21 18 ! 14 9 15 54 50 46 43 39 36 32 28 25 21 ! 15 10 16 57 54 50 46 43 39 36 32 28 25 ! 16 10 17 61 57 54 50 46 43 39 36 32 28 ! 17 11 18 64 61 57 54 50 46 43 39 36 32 ! 18 11 19 68 64 61 57 54 50 46 43 39 36 ! 19 12 20 72 68 64 61 57 54 50 46 43 39 ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAX. H.P. GAIN PER LEVEL ! % CHANCE TO HIT BY SKILL Endurance Max-Fighter Max-Wizard ! Skill % to hit % from behind 3 3 2 ! 3 12 24 4 3 2 ! 4 16 28 5 4 3 ! 5 20 32 6 5 3 ! 6 24 36 7 5 4 ! 7 28 40 8 6 4 ! 8 32 44 9 7 4 ! 9 36 48 10 7 5 ! 10 40 52 11 8 5 ! 11 44 56 12 9 6 ! 12 48 60 13 9 6 ! 13 52 64 14 10 7 ! 14 56 68 15 11 7 ! 15 60 72 16 11 7 ! 16 64 76 17 12 8 ! 17 68 80 18 13 8 ! 18 72 84 19 13 9 ! 19 76 88 20 14 9 ! 20 80 92 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RACE ADVANTAGES / DISADVANTAGES RACE CLASS BONUS SKILL RACIAL MODIFIERS Human Choice None +2 Spd, +2 Int, +2 Sk Dwarf Warrior Berserking +1 Str, -3 Int, +3 End Axe Troll Warrior Armored Skin -3 Spd, +5 Str, -5 Int, +5 End Elf Wizard Item Lore +5 Spd, -3 Str, +3 Int, -3 End, -2 Sk Weapon Lore Gnome Wizard Spirit Runes +2 Spd, -2 Str, +5 Int, -2 Sk -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMBAT OPTIONS KEY COST ACTION 2 Move forward in whatever direction the character is facing. An arrow at the upper-right of the display window also indicates the direction. <- 1 Turn counter-clockwise. -> 1 Turn clockwise. / 1 Turn around. A 3 Attack objet in front of your character with readied weapon. A +3 to hit is awarded when attacking from behind. An attacker has a slight chance of doing damage, indicated by the word "hacks" instead of "hits". If this happens, it means struck an unusually well-aimed shot and are being awarded double damage. (Berserkers are good at this). C 3* Cast a spell. (See V. A.SPELLS for the descriptions). You asked for the number of spell points to be put into the spell. Then, a cursor appears. Move the cursor (I,J,K,M) to where you wish to cast the spell and press the . U 3* Use an item. (See V. B.MAGICAL ITEMS and C.OTHER ITEMS for information.) This command allows you to use an item or drink a potion. Note : A potion may be drunk by the character holding it "tossing" it to another character, who drinks it. D 3* This allows a priest to attempt to dispel undead. ? N/A This allows you to locate everyone on the board and check the statistics. Pressing "?" inverse the character whose turn it is and prints his name, strength, intellect, skill, speed, armor and weapon, and tells whether he is bound or poisoned. Press "<-" and "->" to move through the list of characters and monsters, and press to exit. You are told the monster's statistics only if the examining character has Monster Lore. If he has Tactics, he is told who each monster is likely to go after. S N/A Toggles the sound on/off. * Ends the turn of the individual character. * : Automatically ends turn after action regardless of how many movement Points remain. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUTSIDE OPTIONS <- (left-arrow key) : Turn counter-clockwise; e.g., if you are facing away (north or up) and choose to face left, press this left-arrow key. -> (right-arrow key): Turn clockwise. / : Turn around. : Move forward. Movement through hills is at double movement rate. To pass through some doors, you need keys which can be found in the dungeons. C : Go to camp. When in camp, you can equip characters, see their statistics, etc (See IX CAMP for details.) P : Display the party order and the time. S : Save the game. You may save the game except when in camp, town or combat. After saving game, you may continue to play. It is wise to save the game often. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------